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How To Use Obsidian To Write Astro Markdown Content - How to use Obsidian to write Astro markdown content in a simple and intuitive way using GitHub submodules.
Blog Introduction - Welcome to my blog, overview of my best and most popular posts.
Notion vs Obsidian - Comparison - Notion vs Obsidian comparison, which one should you use?
Using Obsidian as a Gaming Backlog Library - How to use Obsidian as a gaming backlog library. Get a long-lasting overview of games you want to and have played.
First Time In South Korea Guide - Essential tips for your first trip to South Korea. Location, activity, accommodation, food and attraction recommendations.
How To Sync Obsidian - How to synchronize your Obsidian Vaults. Using Obsidian Sync, Syncthing, Google Drive or Github.
How To Use Obsidian To Write Astro Markdown Content - The efficient way to edit your Astro project's markdown blog posts with Obsidian.
A Second Brain - Smart Notes With An Obsidian Zettelkasten - Create a second brain. The life-long note taking system Zettelkasten.
Obsidian Android shortcuts to specific Vaults - How to create home screen shortcuts to specific Obsidian Vaults on Android.
Code & Context Final Project Dev Diary - Live Post - Dev Diary on my project on developing an app to help people keep track of what matters to them.
Why Koreans Ask What Year You Were Born - Why age is crucial in Korea, affecting language, respect, and social relationships. What is Korean & international age?
Show Your Work - Summary, Review & Thoughts - Why and how we should share the things we love to make.
How To Choose A Career And Make It Sustainable - How to identify fitting work to you - avoid burnout, have meaning and enjoy work.
Exchange Semester At Hanyang University ERICA - What is it like to go abroad to South Korea to do an exchange semester at Hanyang University ERICA campus? (Summer 2023)
What Is Code & Context? The Modern Way To Study - Code & Context shows how studying at university should be done. A B.Sc. program combining Computer Science, Design and Entrepreneurship.
Why We Sleep - Summary, Review & Thoughts - We spend 1/3rd of our life sleeping. But why do we sleep? We don't live in a sleep loss epidemic?